
Beloved Sister,

After a crazy, highly transformative couple of years, I am super excited to be back offering Sacred Retreats!

My Sacred SouLove Retreat is a high vibrational sanctuary for an intimate gathering of women who are heart – wide – open to experience Spiritual | Shamanic healing and RE-Birth together.

RELEASE Toxic Cell Memory and cut etheric cords feeding:

Toxic relationships
Negative patterns
Unhealthy behaviour and habits
Trauma from physical, mental, emotional and sexual Abuse
Blockages creating Dis-Ease and confusion in life

RELEASE Ancestral and Childhood Trauma by traveling back into the Mother womb-space and Past Lives.

RELEASE EGOIC Conditioning no longer serving your Highest good.

Experience Group Shamanic Dowsing as I shift into Walks Between Worlds and Running Bear.

RE-BIRTH TRUTH in the Sacred embrace of the Divine’s Golden Ray as PURE LOVE ENERGY.

This retreat invites sisters to share vulnerably, to feel seen, heard and validated as forgiveness of Self leads to Oneness and acceptance of Truth.

With collective intention, we’ll powerfully, gracefully and vibrantly transcend our I Am… inviting magical dance, wild laughter and mystical weaving of Spiritual LOVE energy… for Sacred Self… an exquisite affirmation of wholeness and the joyful expansion of BE-ing.

We’ll feast on high vibrational yummy food blessed with love and celebrate life.


“Hayley’s serene, caring, loving demeanor is embraced by all and what makes her retreats so very special. I felt free, loved and calm from the moment I arrived. After my spiritual healing, I felt incredibly humbled, blessed and energetically relieved. I’ve never felt the peace and happiness I experienced while I was there. Her retreats are life-changing.” ~ Sumi Engelbrecht

As a channel, I am surrendered in the vastness of my Spiritual flow and the commitment I honour with each sister present. I am beyond excited and deeply humbled to have this opportunity to Divinely guide you in our Ritualistic Sacred Circle, to hold you, love you and profoundly experience your vulnerable shift into the mystical.

Beloved sister,

I can’t wait to welcome you into our Sacred Space and to share in the magic we create together… besides all of the Spiritual yumminess, I’m especially looking forward to long overdue tight squeezy hugs, naughty giggles around the fireplace and growing more deeply in love with you.

Sweetest blessings, Hayley

Please message me to receive notification of my next Retreat.

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Hayley Page-Smith, 2013-2023©